
February 2024 - Update

  • Joy of Painting - 2013 Re-Release

  • Shop Update: Heart Cards 

  • COLLECTIVE CHAOS - MARCH MINI Show at Slice of Life

This past month I've been taking things a little slower than usual. I've been focusing most of my time on recovering from the end of year burnout and working on a commission (which I'm excited to share in next month's update).

Joy of Painting - 2013 Re-Release

I'm happy to share the availability of a painting I completed back in 2013! Yes, 2013! The painting has lived with my parents for the past 10 years, but alas they've downsized and this beauty needs a new home. It currently fills a wall in my apartment, but I'd love to give it a new home with more space to breathe. I even have a time-lapse video to share with you (because I'm a timelapse hipster, I've been documenting my process before it was cool).

Shop Update: Heart Cards

Valentine's Day is just around the corner, so I've added a few cross-stitch heart cards to my online shop. Why not send one that special someone? Shipping & studio pick up options available at checkout.


I'll be exhibiting something mini at this collective MARCH MINI show next month. Save the date & RSVP so you can jump the line if space fills. There will be music, merch and a door prize!

Date & Time
Saturday, March 2
7:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m. PST

1636 Venables Street
Vancouver BC V5L 2H2

COLLECTIVE CHAOS features 20 different artists with a new theme every month!

exhibiting artists who live and work in vancouver, this is a radically inclusive gallery project to support all those who apply to the slice program.

Horror Vacui - Exhibition Documentation

Earlier this year I was in a group exhibition at Deer Lake Gallery, in Burnaby, called "Horror Vacui". The show included myself, as well as two fellow UFV BFA grads, Kendra Schellenberg, and Julie Epp.

For those of you who were unable to make it out to see the exhibition in person, here are some documentation photos of the exhibition.