February 2023 - Update

  • Solo Show - Womanmade: Crafting Architecture & the Mundane

  • Finished Work - Vancouver Cityscape

  • Work in Progress - Proofs of Labour

  • First Saturday, Feb 4, 12 - 5pm

  • New Work - City Centre Motor Hotel Sign

  • Save the date - Eastside Flea Market, Mar 11 & 12, 11-5pm

Solo Show - Womanmade: Crafting Architecture & the Mundane, February 14 - March 18, 2023, Mount Pleasant, MI

January was a very busy month focused on wrapping up works in progress, framing and shipping artwork across the border to Michigan for my first international solo show!

My exhibition Womanmade: Crafting Architecture and the Mundane, uses feminine craft processes such as cross-stitching and crochet, as well as photography, & digital collage to represent the masculine and manmade. Photographs of architecture and other mundane industrial imagery are translated into handmade representations. The exhibition includes framed cross-stitch works, photographs, digital art prints, and a hanging textile quilt.

Gender bias within fine art diminishes the value of women’s labour. Feminine craft practices such as knitting, crochet, embroidery and other needlework are disregarded for their artistic value. And although I self-identify as a textile or fibre artist, others often label me as a craft artist. It can be difficult to be taken seriously in the field of fine art when there is an association with craft that has a lesser value than other traditionally masculine art mediums, such as painting and sculpture. I challenge expectations of traditional craft by experimenting with new media. I combine cross-stitching, knitting, and digital art/photography to push the boundaries and expectations of craft as a fine art medium.

Finished Work - Vancouver Cityscape

Vancouver Cityscape,⁠ 2023⁠, 35 x 58.5 inches,⁠ mixed textiles, yarn, embroidery thread,⁠ 315 hours of labour

I’m so happy to share photos of my completed mixed textile project! I started this back in April 2022, but at the time it was a lower priority amongst my many other projects. 315 hours of labour later and it's finally done! ⁠ ⁠

The project was a big learning experience, as I've never made a textile piece combining so many different fibre processes. It's a quilt with appliquéd fabric, crochet, cross-stitch, and free-hand embroidery. This work shipped a couple weeks to Mt. Pleasant, Michigan for my solo exhibition! ⁠

Work in Progress - Proofs of Labour

For this new conceptual project, I will be logging hours of labour spent cross-stitching white thread on Aida cloth, using a 24-inch embroidery hoop. ⁠The threads used in the beginning section are the same threads that were used to cross-stitch handkerchiefs from my 2021 book project, Invisible Labour: Cross-Stitching, Feminism, & the Collective Strength of Women. ⁠ ⁠

After the cross-stitching is completed, I will proceed to unravel all of the stitching and log these hours as well. The threads, labour logs, embroidery hoop and Aida cloth used during the process will all be part of the final presentation.

⁠This process-based project will be a representation of how women often work tirelessly, only to have their labour undervalued. Overall, the exhibition will invite viewers to question the value of women’s labour, productivity, and craft.⁠ ⁠

The Art of Slowing Down: Women’s Labor & Craft⁠ May 4 - June 4, 2023⁠
Artlink Contemporary Gallery⁠ Fort Wayne, IN⁠

Proofs of Labour,⁠ 2023⁠, embroidery, Aida cloth,⁠ 24 inch hoop⁠

First Saturday @ City Centre Artist Lodge, Feb 4, 12-5pm

This coming Saturday, stop by to see my latest cross-stitch project of the City Centre Motor Hotel sign (see below) and a bunch of old paintings from my archives that my parents recently dropped off at the studio!

First Saturday is a public monthly artist-run open-studio event.

Come visit artists where they work at City Centre Artist Lodge.

The following artist studios will be open:

Maxine Woogman - Studio # 32
Tracy Anne Northey - Studio # 34
Niki Brown - Studio # 103
Ilena Lee Cramer - Studio # 109
Elana Sigal - Studio # 110
Shelley Saltzman - Studio # 130
Happy Nomad Candles (Hayley) - Studio # 203
Lukas Lundberg - Studio # 208
Mallory Donen - Studio # 211
Paulo OConnor - Studio # 225

Location: 2111 Main Street, Vancouver, BC V5T 3C6
Date: February 4, 2023
Time: 12pm-5pm


New Work - City Centre Motor Hotel Sign

The above photos was taken as inspiration for my latest cross-stitch project of the City Centre Motor Hotel sign. ⁠The motel has been temporarily converted into artist studios until the building is demolished by developers. It's been home to my art studio and where I've been spending the majority of my time for the past year. ⁠I can't wait to build more memories and projects in this wonderful space and growing artist community!

City Centre Motor Hotel Sign,⁠ 2023,⁠ 7.5 x 5 inches⁠, embroidery, Aida cloth⁠, 28 hours of labour

Save the date - Eastside Flea Market, Mar 11 & 12, 11-5pm

Last but not least, the Eastside Flea Spring Market is back every weekend in March and I’ll be a first time vendor on the second weekend! Come see visit my booth on March 11 or 12 between 11-5pm. I’ll be selling prints, stickers, pins, and small cross-stitch works, something for every budget!

The Eastside Flea

The Eastside Flea is a seasonal community event taking place at Eastside Studios, 550 Malkin Ave. Each market hosts over 50 local vendors selling a diverse selection of goods from independently handmade pieces to vintage clothing, collectibles, plants, artisan eats & more!
You’ll also find 2-3 rotating food trucks parked outside, an amazing playlist, lots of seating and yummy beverages to enjoy!.

We hope to see you at the Flea soon!