Glitch Streak, 2022, embroidery, Aida cloth, 21 x 35.5 inches, 182 hours of labour

Donen’s practice is focused on processes rooted in traditional craft passed down from generation of women in her family. Her art explores the intersection of digital art and embroidery. By using the distinct grid format of cross-stitch she creates connections between threads and pixels.

She embraces an approach to making art that is purposefully slow to emphasize the value of time and dedication to her craft in opposition to the fast-paced nature of digital technology. Her intention is to think purposefully about each handmade object she brings into the physical world and its potential impact.

Glitch Streak is a continuation of Donen’s body of work where she collects digital glitch imagery as reference for her cross-stitch. Through a collaborative process between artist and computer she turns moments of failure into works of art. She embraces mistakes and imperfections as a way of pushing her creative process and endless curiosity.