
February 2024 - Update

  • Joy of Painting - 2013 Re-Release

  • Shop Update: Heart Cards 

  • COLLECTIVE CHAOS - MARCH MINI Show at Slice of Life

This past month I've been taking things a little slower than usual. I've been focusing most of my time on recovering from the end of year burnout and working on a commission (which I'm excited to share in next month's update).

Joy of Painting - 2013 Re-Release

I'm happy to share the availability of a painting I completed back in 2013! Yes, 2013! The painting has lived with my parents for the past 10 years, but alas they've downsized and this beauty needs a new home. It currently fills a wall in my apartment, but I'd love to give it a new home with more space to breathe. I even have a time-lapse video to share with you (because I'm a timelapse hipster, I've been documenting my process before it was cool).

Shop Update: Heart Cards

Valentine's Day is just around the corner, so I've added a few cross-stitch heart cards to my online shop. Why not send one that special someone? Shipping & studio pick up options available at checkout.


I'll be exhibiting something mini at this collective MARCH MINI show next month. Save the date & RSVP so you can jump the line if space fills. There will be music, merch and a door prize!

Date & Time
Saturday, March 2
7:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m. PST

1636 Venables Street
Vancouver BC V5L 2H2

COLLECTIVE CHAOS features 20 different artists with a new theme every month!

exhibiting artists who live and work in vancouver, this is a radically inclusive gallery project to support all those who apply to the slice program.