art blog

Year in Review - 2024

Reflecting back over the past year, I’m happy to say I achieved so much that I’m proud of and succeeded in my goal to have a better work life balance! Read below for a summary of my 2024 year in review.


  • Largest custom pet portrait to date

  • Introduced heart cards


  • “I weathered the storm…” project 

  • Designed patches for market merch

  • Designed DIY Glitch X-Stitch Kit


  • Expanded sticker collection

  • March Mini Collective Chaos Show

  • Sold original artwork at March Mini

  • Slice Mini Mart


  • Eri Silk project, 125 hours of labour


  • New market display mock up

  • Eri Exploration group show

  • ESF Spring market

  • West of Main Art Walk

  • A Closer Look Group Show/Artist Talk


  • Time off/long weekend in Whistler

  • Updated Etsy Shop

  • Static Glitch Series


  • Mini Framed X-Stitch prep for VMF


  • Dream Mechanism group show

  • Richmond Art Walk

  • Vancouver Mural Festival

  • Custom Portrait


  • B&W First Saturday Exhibition

  • Flats Fest @ Emily Carr

  • Car Free Day Main Street

  • Fall Patch collection

  • Market display upgrade 


  • Studio sale/pop up

  • Merry Chrismukkah sign/card design

  • Slice Mini Mart

  • Hanukkah card restock

  • Holiday inventory prep 


  • Silk Purse Holiday Artisan Market

  • Quilted Vest project 

  • STA Christmas Craft Fair

  • Open studio w/ Steph

  • ESF Holiday market


  • Holiday pop up at Rath Art Supplies

  • Slice Holiday Market

  • Make It Show (2nd year vending)

  • Rush Custom Portrait

What an amazing year! I’ve been enjoying a relaxing end of December, spending time with family, reading, and relaxing. Last weekend, I took myself out for a fancy 5 course meal, at a vegan restaurant, in Kits, called Folke to celebrate. It was a wonderful way to welcome in the New Year, bring it on 2025!

Labour Report - 2024

First Saturday Open Studios - Jan 4

First Saturday is a public monthly artist-run open-studio event.

Come visit artists where they work at City Centre Artist Lodge.

The following artist studios will be open:

Tracy Anne Northey - Studio # 34
Ilena Lee Cramer - Studio # 109
Elana Sigal - Studio # 110
Lukas Lundberg - Studio # 208
Mallory Donen – Studio # 211
Stephane Savoie - Studio # 123
Devorah Peterson - Studio # 221 

Location: 2111 Main Street, Vancouver, BC V5T 3C6
Date: January 4, 2025
Time: 12pm-5pm

January 2024 - Update

  • Cross-Stitch Workshop - January 20

  • First Saturday - January 6

  • 2023 Year in Review - Highlights

  • 2023 Labour Report

Cross-Stitch Workshop - January 20th

Learn basic cross-stitch skills & the freedom of stitching without a pattern in this meditative workshop.⁠

The workshop will begin with an introduction to basic cross-stitch skills, techniques, and tips. Students are encouraged to stitch at their own pace and stitch whatever their heart desires! This workshop does not include a cross-stitch pattern, as it is meant to be expressive and meditative in nature.⁠

All supplies will be provided, including: a small hoop, Aida cloth, a needle, and embroidery thread.⁠

Saturday, January 20th⁠
2111 Main Street⁠
Studio 211⁠

First Saturday - January 6

First Saturday is a public monthly artist-run open-studio event.

Come visit artists where they work at City Centre Artist Lodge.

The following artist studios will be open:

Maxine Woogman - Studio # 32

Five Cat Collective - Studio # 31

Tracy Anne Northey - Studio # 34

Niki Brown  - Studio # 103

Pressure Point - Studio # 108

Ilena Lee Cramer - Studio # 109

Elana Sigal - Studio # 110

Shelley Saltzman - Studio # 130

Lukas Lundberg - Studio # 208

Stephane Savoie - Studio # 123

Mallory Donen - Studio # 211

Denise Coles - Studio # 221

Paulo OConnor - Studio # 225

Devorah Peterson - Studio # 221

Zandi Dandizette - Studio # 235

Location: 2111 Main Street, Vancouver, BC V5T 3C6

Date: January 6, 2024

Time: 12pm-5pm

2023 Year in Review - Highlights

It’s been another whirlwind year, read on below for some of my 2023 highlights!


  • Vancouver Cityscape, first quilt project

  • City Centre Motor Hotel Sign


  • Womanmade: Crafting Architecture and the Mundane, first exhibition in the USA

  • Reel goes viral, 14 million views, 40k followers


  • Proofs of Labour, conceptual project completed for solo exhibition in April


  • travelled to Indiana to install my show

  • The Art of Slowing Down: Women’s Labour & Craft, second solo exhibition in the USA


  • First cross-stitch portrait commission 


  • City Centre Neon sign


  • Vancouver Mural Festival, biggest sales weekend in history of my art career 🥰


  • Monochrome series for First Saturday group exhibition 

  • Started selling at Slice of Life Giftshop 

  • Returned as an artist at Pacific Arts Market 

October - November

  • Event planning 

  • First markets of the holiday season

  • Started selling at Artisan Avenue


  • CCAL Holiday Market

  • Make It Show Vancouver 

  • Eastside Flea

2023 Labour Report

Year in Review - 2022

Before moving forward to 2023, I’d like to review and recap some of the highlights from the past year:

1. Moved into my first art studio at the City Centre Artist Lodge!

2. Received my second grant from Canada Council for the Arts and completed my “Becoming a Pixel” self-portrait series.

3. Turned 30 & paid off my student loan debt!

4. Had over 1000 visitors come through my studio during Vancouver Mural Fest, Holiday Art Market & First Saturdays. This exposure directly helped increase my art sales by reaching new & future art collectors!

5. Completed my largest cross-stitch project to-date, “Glitch Streak” which took 182 hours of labour total.

6. Presented my largest solo exhibition, “Back to the Future: Digital Art Through Embroidery”, at the Sunshine Coast Arts Council where I gave an artist talk, and participated in the Sunshine Coast Art Crawl.

7. Completed my project “Vancouver Cityscape”, which was my first time creating a mixed textile quilt combining machine sewing, cross-stitch, crochet, and free-hand embroidery.

8. Grew my Social media following. I posted on social media consistently 5-7 days a week for most of the year. By posting more behind the scenes photos and reels I was able to better share my art process. This directly influenced the growth of my Instagram following by almost 50%. I ended 2021 with under 500 followers and wrapped up 2022 with a little over 900 followers.

9. Completed 788 hours of labour on projects for 2022.

Wow, what a year, I still can’t believe some of these milestones from 2022.

Let’s see what 2023 has in store!

December 2022 - Update

  • Xmas Art Market @ City Centre Artist Lodge (Dec. 3 + 4)

  • Vancouver Cityscape (Work in Progress)

Xmas Art Market @ City Centre Artist Lodge (Dec. 3 + 4)

❄️ It's a Winter Wonderland in Vancouver! ❄️

What better way to get into the holiday spirit than to check out the Holiday art market my studio this weekend?

🎄 Support local artists & businesses this holiday season and make someone do a happy holiday jig for joy 💃.

😋 Eat some food truck goodies, have a drink & stick around for the live music festival presented by Ice Cream Truck Live⁠ 🎶!

CONNECT X-Mas Market & Music Festival: Love is the Warmest Colour.⁠ ⁠

When: Dec 3 & 4, 11am-7pm⁠

What: This two-day community festival will combine an open studio art sale with live music and food trucks for a unique, immersive, celebration of Vancouver’s creative spirit.⁠

Where: City Centre Artist Lodge (2111 Main street - Main & 6th)⁠

⁠⁠I'm in studio# 211 ⁠
Upstairs under the big #1⁠
Entrance on the Main Street side.⁠

View event info & full list of artists.

Vancouver Cityscape (Work in Progress)

I’ve been busy working on getting this mixed textile project completed by the end of the year. With that said I still have lots to do before I’m done, so I’ll be keeping this blog update short and sweet. Here are some photos of the most recent progress.

August 2022 - Update

  • VMF - Open Studios @ City Centre Motel

  • Grant Project Update - Becoming Pixel (Portrait 4/5)

  • Glitch Streak (Work in Progress)

  • Vancouver Cityscape (Work in Progress)

VMF - Open Studios @ City Centre Motel

Come visit me at my studio (Room #211) this Saturday, August 6 & 13th during VMF at City Centre Motel (2111 Main Street)! I’ll have works in progress and finished works for sale (I’m now equipped to take “tap” payments). Stay tuned later this week for an exclusive offer!


Vancouver Mural Festival returns August 4-14 with a spectacular 11-day celebration featuring daily block parties, 30+ new murals in 8 neighbourhoods, mural tours, talks and much more! / @vanmuralfest

Grant Project Update - Becoming Pixel (Portrait 4/5)

I’m happy to share that I finished Portrait #4 from the Becoming a Pixel series last month! This is the least detailed portrait of the series so far and only uses two colours of thread. The portrait has become very minimal, without any clear indicators of my self-image, it's as if I'm being consumed by digital technology...⁠


Glitch Streak (Work in Progress)

Glitch Streak (WIP detail) , 2022, embroidery, Aida cloth

I hit a bit of a road block with this project last month when I started to run out of embroidery thread. I’ve been trying to find specific colours locally for months and finally had to bite the bullet and order the thread online. This meant over the past couple weeks I had been skipping rows where I didn’t have the colour I needed, which left lots of gaps in my WIP.

Glitch Streak (WIP detail), 2022, embroidery, Aida cloth

Good news is that my order finally arrived and I started working back to fill in the gaps where I was missing thread. I’m making very good progress overall and hope to finish this project in just a couple of more weeks. That means if you plan to stop by for a visit during VMF, you’re very likely going to see the work in its final stages. Trust me you want to see this work in person, the photos just don’t do it justice!

Glitch Streak (WIP), 2022, embroidery, Aida cloth

Vancouver Cityscape (Work in Progress)

My focus for August will be wrapping up the Becoming a Pixel series and the Glitch Streak project. But once those two projects are finished, I’ll be focusing most of my efforts on this one for this remainder of the year. With that said, I did make some slow progress on this work in the past couple weeks. Using my sewing machine, I sewed the finished cross-stitched "building strips" onto the main piece of fabric.⁠ I still have lots to do on this project, but I’m excited to see where the process is going to take me next!

July 2022 - Update

  • City Centre Opening Weekend - Recap

  • Grant Project Update - Becoming Pixel (Portrait 3/5)

  • Glitch Streak (Work in Progress)

  • Vancouver Cityscape (Work in Progress)

City Centre Opening Weekend - Recap

Studio selfie from day 1 of the open studios at City Centre.

A little corner of the studio, showcasing framed works.

Congrats to Harvey + Miu who were the lucky winners of my weekend giveaway of an original framed artwork: Glitch Series 02 - Crop_2.jpg.

A huge thank you to everyone who came out to the City Centre Open Studios last weekend! It was a whirlwind to see so many people out in public, enjoying the beautiful weather, and engaging with the art community in such a positive way. There was pretty much steady traffic passing through my studio all weekend long and I’m so happy that I was able to share both finished works, as well as works in progress with so many new people!

I spent several days prior to the event prepping the studio by hanging more works and rearranging some of the furniture to help showcase as much as I could. I made some sales and by far the best sellers of the weekend were my pins. The 1.5" Glitch pin was the most popular and lots of people were surprised that I had square pins! In case anyone is wondering, I get all my pins made locally at Six Cent Press, right here in Vancouver.

This week I updated my website shop, so if there's anything from the weekend that you missed or changed your mind about you can find it there! Feel free to reach out and arrange a private studio visit if you want to see works in person again or for the first time. If you are local I have the option to pick up from the studio so that you don't need to pay for shipping!

Grant Project Update - Becoming Pixel (Portrait 3/5)

Becoming a Pixel - Portrait 3/5, 2022, embroidery floss, Aida cloth⁠, 7 x 7 inches, 31.25 hours of labour

Last month I finished the third portrait from the Becoming a Pixel series. It’s the least detailed portrait of the three and at this point it’s becoming much harder to identify the image as a self-portrait. The first portrait from the series started with five shades of grey and this portrait is simplified down to only three colours of embroidery thread. The next portrait will be two colours and the final portrait will only be one. I can’t wait to share more progress as this series continues to unravel!


Glitch Streak (Work in Progress)

Glitch Streak (WIP), 2022, embroidery, Aida cloth

During the open studio event last weekend I was live stitching on this beauty! I felt a little bit like a broken record letting people know that “I’m just over half-way done this piece and I’m about 100 hours in”. My favourite part was seeing people react to how much time I’d spent working on this piece and them realizing that I’m not even done yet!

Glitch Streak (WIP detail), 2022, embroidery, Aida cloth

Vancouver Cityscape (Work in Progress)

I’ve been low key working on some cross-stitched “building” strips that will be added to the Vancouver Cityscape, mixed textile piece that I’ve also been slowly working on in the background (amongst my other higher priority projects). Here are some photos of the process, I hope to be done these in the next week or so!

June 2022 - Update

  • Grant Project Update - Becoming a Pixel (Portrait 2/5)

  • Glitch Streak (Work in Progress)

  • Vancouver Cityscape (Work in Progress)

Grant Project Update - Becoming a Pixel (Portrait 2/5)

Becoming a Pixel - Portrait 2/5, 2022, embroidery floss, Aida cloth⁠, 7 x 7 inches, 35 hours of labour

I’m excited to share the completed second portrait from my self-portrait series Becoming a Pixel. This portrait still has some likeness to my self-image, but there is clearly some loss of definition. Without seeing the first portrait from the series it is now harder to identify this as a self-portrait. I intentionally reduced the overall resolution and total pixels in the cross-stitch pattern. By producing in an image with less detail, I’ve made identification of the person in the portrait less certain.

(Detail) Becoming a Pixel - Portrait 2/5, 2022, embroidery floss, Aida cloth⁠, 7 x 7 inches

Looking at a small section of the finished piece (as shown below) it is very difficult to recognize the image as a portrait on its own.

(Detail) Becoming a Pixel - Portrait 2/5, 2022, embroidery floss, Aida cloth⁠, 7 x 7 inches


Mallory Donen acknowledges the support of the Canada Council for the Arts.

Glitch Streak (Work in Progress)

Mallory Donen with her work in progress Glitch Streak. Photo was taken in her studio in Vancouver, BC, 2022.

I’ve also been making consistent progress on this new large-scale cross-stitch piece, Glitch Streak. I’m currently 1/3 of the way complete and it’s about 10 inches wide. When the work is finished I expect it to measure 30 inches wide. I’ve already logged in about 65 hours of labour on this project! Needless to say the further I get on this piece, the more taxing and strenuous it is getting on my body. This is precisely why I’m pacing myself slowly on this project and spending time on others that are less laborious than this one!

Vancouver Cityscape (Work in Progress)

Vancouver Cityscape (Work in progress), 2022, mixed textiles, canvas, linen, cotton, yarn, thread⁠

Somehow I managed to carve out time to work on this mixed textiles project in May. It’s been very explorative and playful seeing where this piece takes me. I’ve never attempted something quite like it before. The best way to describe it is probably a hybrid between quilting, embroidery, and textile collage. I’m using a combination of machine and hand sewing, as well as cross-stitching and free-hand embroidery. I’ll also be using yarn to add more texture and dimension. Overall, it’s definitely still a work in progress, but I’m very excited to see where this process takes me!

Becoming a Pixel

Last month I finished the first portrait from my series Becoming a Pixel so I thought it was time to share a little more about the project:

Becoming a Pixel - Portrait 1/5, 2022, embroidery floss, Aida cloth⁠, 7 x 7 inches, 36 hours of labour

My multidisciplinary practice explores the intersection of digital art and embroidery, through processes rooted in traditional craft. I’m interested in the dichotomy between fast-paced digital technologies and the time-consuming practices of cross-stitching, knitting, and other needlework. Through my laborious approach to making art, I mirror society’s obsession with technology and its ability to both connect and disconnect. My project Becoming a Pixel will be a series of cross-stitched self-portraits that visually demonstrate how digital technologies are impacting the way we view ourselves and engage in the world.

(Detail) Becoming a Pixel - Portrait 1/5, 2022, embroidery floss, Aida cloth⁠, 7 x 7 inches

The Covid-19 pandemic has caused the world to evolve and adapt more towards digitization. The most convenient way to stay connected has been through our computers and devices. On the one hand, technology has been the glue that has held us together and it is how we have been able to express our frustrations, triumphs, and hardships through this new “normal”. Digital spaces are where we now spend most of our time. This means that our existence is almost always mediated through a screen or some form of digital technology.

On the other hand, the loss of physical connection has also caused us to feel more disconnected from each other. It can be hard to feel connected to others and have meaningful interactions through digital spaces. But it can also be challenging to stay truly connected to yourself. While using technology we are constantly being bombarded with advertisements and content that often become difficult to ignore. Algorithms curate most digital content, which means we have very little control over what we are being exposed to daily. With this loss of power, we begin to lose our sense of self, and our individuality can get lost in the void of virtual space.

Becoming a Pixel - Portrait 1/5, 2022, embroidery floss, Aida cloth⁠, 7 x 7 inches, 36 hours of labour

The Becoming a Pixel series will emphasize the loss of self through virtual space, each of the five cross-stitched self-portraits will become progressively more pixelated from the previous one. The same black and white self-portrait will be used to create the cross-stitch pattern for each piece in the series. Now that the first pattern has been cross-stitched, it has been scanned and converted into a new cross-stitch pattern (which will be used for the second portrait). For each new pattern the number of pixels are reduced by fifty percent, but the number of cross-stitches in the patterns remain consistent. This will result in portraits that become increasingly devoid of detail, and increasingly devoid of my own identity. The final portrait will appear as a solid square (pixel), symbolizing loss of human identity through digital technology. 

(Detail) Becoming a Pixel - Portrait 1/5, 2022, embroidery floss, Aida cloth⁠, 7 x 7 inches