
Year in Review - 2022

Before moving forward to 2023, I’d like to review and recap some of the highlights from the past year:

1. Moved into my first art studio at the City Centre Artist Lodge!

2. Received my second grant from Canada Council for the Arts and completed my “Becoming a Pixel” self-portrait series.

3. Turned 30 & paid off my student loan debt!

4. Had over 1000 visitors come through my studio during Vancouver Mural Fest, Holiday Art Market & First Saturdays. This exposure directly helped increase my art sales by reaching new & future art collectors!

5. Completed my largest cross-stitch project to-date, “Glitch Streak” which took 182 hours of labour total.

6. Presented my largest solo exhibition, “Back to the Future: Digital Art Through Embroidery”, at the Sunshine Coast Arts Council where I gave an artist talk, and participated in the Sunshine Coast Art Crawl.

7. Completed my project “Vancouver Cityscape”, which was my first time creating a mixed textile quilt combining machine sewing, cross-stitch, crochet, and free-hand embroidery.

8. Grew my Social media following. I posted on social media consistently 5-7 days a week for most of the year. By posting more behind the scenes photos and reels I was able to better share my art process. This directly influenced the growth of my Instagram following by almost 50%. I ended 2021 with under 500 followers and wrapped up 2022 with a little over 900 followers.

9. Completed 788 hours of labour on projects for 2022.

Wow, what a year, I still can’t believe some of these milestones from 2022.

Let’s see what 2023 has in store!