Start of Winter Term 2016

Tuesday, January 19, 2016:

It's the start of a new year and my second semester in the MFA program at the University of Manitoba. I got off to a rough start and missed my first day of class due to food poisoning, which put me out of commission for a couple days. I binge watched Gilmore Girls on Netflix and soon realized that I've already seen every episode. Once the sickness passed I had lots of work to do and little time to spare. 

The semester is going to be challenging and I'm sure it will push me even further than last term. I'll have a lot more writing and reading to do this semester but I'll still spend plenty of time in the studio too. I got another Teaching Assistantship job for a first year class called Open Studio. Basically the students are assigned projects with themes and it's up to them to decide which medium of art is best suited to their ideas. I gave my first "lecture" or rather powerpoint to the class this week showing them a handful of artists and works to help inspire their own projects.

As some of you may have heard or seen in the news it's finally turned into a typical Winnipeg winter with days as cold as -41 with wind chill. The first couple days of really cold weather were an adjustment, but it's all about adapting to the climate and now that I have it's really not so bad.

I finally found time to spend a solid day in the studio. I spent most of Friday producing source materials for patterns that I would eventually create digitally. Here are the initial drawings/paintings:

Then I spent the weekend working in Photoshop where I manipulated the source images and formulated complex patterns. The photos below show the original drawing/painting next to the pattern that was created from that source image. 

That's all for now, I'll be sure to keep updating my blog as the semester continues. 

