Mundane Cross-Stitch - Reliable Alarm

Mundane Cross-Stitch - Reliable Alarm-LR.jpg
Mundane Cross-Stitch - Reliable Alarm-edited-lr.jpg
Mundane Cross-Stitch - Reliable Alarm-LR.jpg
Mundane Cross-Stitch - Reliable Alarm-edited-lr.jpg

Mundane Cross-Stitch - Reliable Alarm


10 x 8 Framed, Original Cross-Stitch Art, 2022, embroidery floss, 14 ct Aida cloth, 56 x 42 squares, 8.5 hours of labour

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The Mundane Cross-Stitch series takes photos of industrial manmade objects that are typically made of hard materials and represents them as soft colourful feminine objects made with fibres. ⁠